Bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid samples were collected in sterile cups to which virus transport medium was added. Samples were then centrifuged to remove cellular debris. The supernatant was inoculated on human airway epithelial cells,13 which had been obtained from airway specimens resected from patients undergoing surgery for lung cancer and were confirmed to be special pathogen- free by NGS.
Supernatant from human airway epithelial cell cultures that showed cytopathic effects was collected, inactivated with 2% paraformaldehyde for at least 2 hours, and ultracentrifuged to sediment virus particles. The enriched supernatant was negatively stained on film-coated grids for examination. Human airway epithelial cells showing cytopathic effects were collected and fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde–2.5% glutaraldehyde and were then fixed with 1% osmium tetroxide dehydrated with grade ethanol embedded with PON812 resin. Sections (80 nm) were cut from resin block and stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, separately.
RNA extracted from bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid and culture supernatants was used as a template to clone and sequence the genome. We used a combination of Illumina sequencing and nanopore sequencing to characterize the virus genome. Sequence reads were assembled into contig maps (a set of overlapping DNA segments) with the use of CLC Genomics software, version 4.6.1 (CLC Bio). Specific primers were subsequently designed for PCR, and 5′- or 3′-RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) was used to fill genome gaps from conventional Sanger sequencing. These PCR products were purified from gels and sequenced with a BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit and a 3130XL Genetic Analyzer, in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions. Multiple-sequence alignment of the 2019- nCoV and reference sequences was performed with the use of Muscle. Phylogenetic analysis of the complete genomes was performed with RAxML (13) with 1000 bootstrap replicates and a general time-reversible model used as the nucleotide substitution model.
He was at great pains to emphasise that not only was he not an “anti-vaxxer”, but that he was actually a great vaccine enthusiast, considering them one of medicine’s crowning glories – it’s just that Covid vaccines, he explained, are so different to traditional vaccines. They use a completely different technology and they’ve been rushed through in a completely different way. That’s why they’re dangerous. But other vaccines are incredibly safe, incredibly effective. Nothing to worry about there.
in order to instigate The Great Reset, the existing society has to be totally destroyed, and that entails irredeemably annihilating all public faith in existing institutions. We must lose all faith in governments, health care systems, the NHS and the WHO and all other trusted guiding and governing bodies, so we feel utterly furious, enraged, betrayed at every conceivable level, and therefore start screaming out for change – which the social engineers will then dutifully deliver
many thousands of people have been doing this since Covid vaccine development began, and most have been smeared, vilified, and ultimately silenced altogether – de-platformed and demonetised – so I speculated that – as revealing the harms of the vaccine has always been part of “the plan” – Dr. Malhotra could be being unwittingly used by hidden hands to manifest the next stage of their agenda.
I went with my friend Martin to a talk given by esteemed cardiologist, and media personality, Dr Aseem Malhotra entitled: Has Big Pharma Hijacked Evidence-Based Medicine?
The hall at Friends House, the central offices of British Quakers in London, was packed with around a thousand people. The air was electric with a tense static.
That may have been the leather trousers I was wearing.
At around 7.15pm, the good doctor took to the stage. He was greeted with warm applause, whoops and cheers. ‘Ooh Jean, look, it’s him off the telly, the handsome one who told us all to take an experimental gene therapy without once asking if it was in any way ethical. Mind you, he looks smaller in real life.’
As he launched into his spiel, I noted a couple of things. He spoke in a very measured, calm way. The way you speak if you’ve had a lot of media training. At the BBC for instance. It hit me at once that if this man had any passion at all, it was very well hidden.
He also showed not an ounce of remorse, or any sign that he, a doctor, had played any part in this ongoing ethical disgrace.
His dispassionate mumblings included a fairly long section about his distrust of the role Big Pharma plays in medicine, and he cited the very high death toll in the US from prescription drugs. Odd then that Dr Malhotra should implicitly trust the very same Big Pharma who were creating the ‘vaccines’ so hurriedly, to be thrust into the arms of the global population.
Like seeing a good friend buy tyres from a garage that blowout and run the car off the road, and then three weeks later buying the tyres from the same garage. And then recommending those same tyres on Good Morning Britain.
He also re-iterated how serious Covid was as a threat. Apparently, we all knew family members and friends who had been seriously ill, or died from it. Did we? Perhaps it was the tin-foil hat keeping me, and them, safe. This included a particularly patronising NHS-style section about how the obese were more at risk, so diet and lifestyle was paramount. That must be why they closed the gyms, and exercise was limited to an hour a day, whilst people sat at home watching Masterchef and stuffing their faces.
Don’t worry you fat fuck, the jabs that took 48 hours to make in a lab will save you.
The section on the Covid vaccines was so quick, I’d barely done half an eye-roll and it was over. Surely this was the money shot? The moment when he wept, dropped to his knees and said: ‘I abandoned my sacred oath. I caused harm. Please forgive me.’
About twenty five minutes in, a restless member of the audience mumbled something about Matt Hancock, and Malhotra chuckled and said: ‘We’ll talk about Matt Hancock in a minute.’ The red mist descended and I shouted: ‘He should be in prison, and so should you…’ I realised I had to leave for my own sanity, and as I gathered my things and walked out, I turned around and exclaimed: ‘You’re whitewashing your reputation, you’re a lying cunt.’
As I hurried out, a burly security guard opened the door to the street. He asked if I was ok, so I told him what I’d said: ‘Good for you’, he said, ‘I agree’.
Like many others, I once sympathised with Dr Malhotra to some extent, because his own father died from vaccine-induced complications, but over time I’ve come to realise that this is actually a PR exercise in whitewashing the medical profession, without the accountability, contrition or justice.
What I had in fact witnessed was a doctor whose aim was not to humbly beg forgiveness, and say mea culpa for going on TV to praise and promote these jabs, but rather to swerve any culpability at all by seemingly saying ‘it wasn’t my fault, the evidence has changed’.
I realise that what made me angrier than anything was the clapping and swooning from Marjorie and Joan in row C. Majorie and Joan’s beloved grandchildren may have life-changing cardiac issues for life, but let’s give the nice doctor a wink and a smile cos he’s said he didn’t know the risks, but recommended the injections anyway. And he’s got lovely hands.
We’re not talking about prescribing an extra paracetamol by mistake, this is the greatest global, ethical crime committed on BILLIONS of people, including children and babies. Yet he and other medics are not on their hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Yesterday, Malhotra tweeted praise to *checks notes* Piers Morgan, who, without question, would happily have squeezed into his SS-Covid uniform, and shoved the unvaccinated into camps with the butt of a rifle, if things had progressed the way they were going. And they did go in that direction in many countries.
He’s now tweeting about going on Joe Rogan. Mark my words, there’ll be a book next.
At what point will he, and others, say they have failed in their duty as a doctor, and mean it? There’s no contrition, anger, humility, or passion in his demeanour. At one point he even talked about the importance of the relationship between the doctor and the patient. Some bile rose in my gullet.
Hello Mr Irony, I’ve been expecting you.
If doctors like Malhotra are seen to be ‘let off the hook’ then all those who pushed needles containing an experimental gene therapy in arms, and vilified those who refused to have it, will be able to say the ‘evidence has changed’, so let’s just move on.
a) If you didn’t know what was in the serum, why did you push the jabs?
b) If you did know what was in the serum, why did you push the jabs?
c) Whatever the answers are to a & b there should have been NO JAB ROLL OUT.
There must be accountability and justice for what’s been done, or it’ll happen all over again, and much worse. That goes for politicians and the media too.
Late last night, as I sat having a warming shot of Jack Daniels, I got a message on Telegram saying my tirade was unwise (if you can’t call a doctor a cunt for recommending an experimental gene therapy that could kill you, then what have we come to?) and one saying I was just trying to ‘boost my online profile’. Well, I’ve been permanently banned three times from twitter, so that’s working out well.
What I shouted in that room has nothing to do with boosting anything, except perhaps deserved righteous fury at the medical profession, and the media for not acknowledging the gravity of what they’ve done. To be honest, if I gave a shit about my online profile, I’d be cosying up to people like Malhotra, and not calling him a lying cunt in front of a thousand people. I was, and am, furious on behalf of all those whose heart wrenching stories I have been sent, many of which I have read on my podcast. Many are so harrowing I have to pause frequently to compose myself.
My only regret is my choice of cunt-bomb-tirade attire. It’s not easy storming out in squeaky leather trousers.
But by fuck was it worth it.
Comment by Dr Mike Yeadon
As a semi retired lifelong professional R&D scientist & biologist, I knew the whole thing was a fraud from very early on.
Lockdown is a prison expression, never used in public health nor in any pandemic preparedness plan. Yet simultaneously around the world, it was imposed, using the same curve flattening script.
This proved a supranational plot. So it proved.
Literally EVERYTHING the authorities told us was lies, including the need for a vaccine.
Dr Mike Yeadon
Ps: I’ve deliberately made or received not a penny campaigning. So to allegations of grifting, screw you. I’m not an embittered ex employee. I left 11 years ago & had s successful 5y collaboration with them after that. So scratch that lie, too. No, the reason I’ve persisted is that what I’ve said is true. This is long planned & totally fraudulent. Accept it or not. It’s your life.
Pps: this often really annoys people but my job isn’t pleasing the audience. The evidence is overwhelming that there never was a novel virus. They lied about that too.